State Delegate Assembly
Membership shall be informed annually and ballots shall state that nomination to officer positions of the Association includes nomination to the Delegate Assembly of the Nevada State Education Association.
Additional delegates allotted by the Nevada State Education Association, beyond the number of officers, shall be elected under the same procedures as officers following the rules established by the Nevada State Education Association.
The President shall appoint alternate delegates to the Delegate Assembly when vacancies exist after the election preceding the Delegate Assembly. A person's name must appear on a ballot in order to serve as a delegate or alternate delegate to the Delegate Assembly of the National Education Association.
National Representative Assembly
Membership shall be informed annually and ballots shall state that nominations to the elected officer positions of the Association include nomination to the Representative Assembly.
Additional delegate allotment to the Representative Assembly shall be nominated and elected at the same time and by the same methods as all officers of the Association, following the National Education Association's rules and procedures.
A person's name must appear on a ballot in order to serve as a delegate or alternate delegate to the Representative Assembly of the National Education Association.