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A large number of ESEA members gathered in a hotel banquet room to advocate and represent members.

Digital Union Board

Your Worksite Union Bulletin Board Wherever You Are
Help spread the word and build ESEA power with your coworkers and at your worksite!

How to use this toolkit

Get flyers and information to share with coworkers or to print and post on your worksite's union board! Here you'll find:

  • videos,
  • graphics,
  • downloadable posters, and
  • more

Check back often for updates!

Help Educate and Support Fellow Members

Help Educate and Support Fellow Members

Use these online tools to help educate and support fellow members and to explain the power of joining our union and belonging to ESEA.

Two teachers walk through a hallway

Union Terms to Know

From “affiliate” to “UniServ,” being a part of a union comes with its own vocabulary. Here are a few words you should know.
Child in a wheelchair painting at a desk with a paraprofessional

Understanding Weingarten Rights, Due Process, & Contract Enforcement

As a public school employee you may encounter situations where disciplinary action is taken against you. Remember, you have rights and you need to use them.
Two members sit looking over a contract

Understand Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining is about more than ensuring economic security. It's about winning better conditions because our working conditions are student learning conditions.

Show Your ESEA Pride

Show Your ESEA Pride

Copy and paste the social media messages to share on your feeds and share these videos and graphics with your friends and colleagues to spread the word about the ways membership makes public education stronger.

Share on Social Media

ESEA members deliver real change. We meet with school administrators and school board members to make sure our voices are being heard and respected. Text JOIN to 48744 to become a member today!
Together, our union has successfully raised education support professional wages, improved working conditions, demanded rESPect, and made sure our voices are actually heard. Text JOIN to 48744 to become a member today!
Together we’re stronger. Together we’re heard. With more members like you, education support professionals in the Clark County School District will have an even stronger voice to improve our daily lives and the lives of our students. Text JOIN to 48744 to join us today!

Talking about ESEA to Potential Members

Talking About Our Union with Potential Members

Thank you for taking the time to help build a stronger union. As you engage with potential members you might encounter some tough questions. This section will help you start recruitment conversations and navigate those questions while highlighting all that education support professionals can join ESEA in building power and creating change at the local, state, and national levels.

Anyone can now join our union straight from their phone! Have them text JOIN to 48744 to get started.  


Click through each tab to explore research-backed messages on the power of joining our union.
Together a stronger voice for Clark County ESPs

Joining adds your voice with education support professionals just like us across Clark County, the state of Nevada, even millions of public school workers across the country to accomplish things one campus security monitor, one food service specialist, one technology system specialist, or even one worksite can’t. 

As a union, we regularly meet with CCSD administrators, the Board of Trustees, and elected officials from both major political parties to advocate for higher wages, better benefits, and improved working conditions for ESPs.

Together for our students

When education support professionals are heard, respected, and given the resources we need, we can give students our very best. 

Great education support professionals create great public schools. Your union is here to help you get the training, tools, and community support you need to support students, advance education justice, and excel in your profession.

Together we deliver real change

When we speak up as part of our union, we can advocate for significant changes like increased salaries or cost-of-living adjustments. Additionally, we have already secured improved health care benefits, comprehensive student loan forgiveness and repayment programs, and discounts on school-related items—things that improve our daily lives as education support professionals.  

We’re making progress, but, with more members like you, we can have an even stronger voice. 

Scroll between the options to find your desired document and then click the button below the image to download.

Share at Your Worksite

Hang these posters to show your colleagues why you are proud of your union membership. Click on the poster to download and print.

Your Union, Your Voice

We are THE voice for education support professionals in Clark County. See what membership can mean for you!
ESEA members attend trustee meeting

Our Voice = Our Power

When we unite and speak truth to power, we can have an enormous impact. That’s why our members join together to create a future where schools are funded, educators are supported, and students are thriving.

Keeping the Promise of Public Education

ESEA is the largest ESP local in the United States and is a full-service employee association which is an affiliate of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), the largest national association representing education employees in the United States.