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NEA Podcast

How to Be Strike-Ready

They say that the best way to prevent a strike is to prepare for one. So how can educators successfully avoid striking, while also having their demands met?
minnesota strike Sigal Photos
Minneapolis educators and parents rally at the state Capitol on March 9, 2022.
Published: April 15, 2024
This resource originally appeared on

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They say that the best way to prevent a strike is to prepare for one. So how can educators successfully avoid striking, while also having their demands met? 

Leah VanDassor, president of the St. Paul Federation of Educators, and executive board member Quentin Wathum-Ocama discuss how St. Paul, MN educators prepared for their recent negotiations, and how you can use their example as a helpful guide for your upcoming bargain.

Your Union, Your Voice

We are THE voice for education support professionals in Clark County. See what membership can mean for you!
ESEA picket signs stacked on top of each other. The top sign reads "WE ARE THE UNION! ESEA!"

Help Educate and Support Fellow Members

Find more online tools to help educate and support fellow members and to explain the power of joining our union and belonging to ESEA.
Education Support Employees Association logo

Keeping the Promise of Public Education

ESEA is the largest ESP local in the United States and is a full-service employee association which is an affiliate of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), the largest national association representing education employees in the United States.