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NEA Legal & Employment Guidance

Educators Employment Liability Program: Benefits

The following benefits are available to all NEA member educators or school/university employees, including Education Support Professionals.
Published: June 22, 2020
This resource originally appeared on

Coverage A. Educators Liability Benefit</b>

Payment of the legal defense costs of up to $3,000,000 per occurrence in defending civil proceedings (other than proceedings concerning Civil Rights) brought against you in the course of performing your educational employment activities.


Payment of up to $1,000,000* in damages assessed against you as a result of such civil proceedings.

Payment of up to $300,000* worth of defense, settlement or judgments and other supplementary payments for proceedings concerning Civil Rights.** (Coverage A is subject to a $3,000,000 per member per occurrence damages limit not to include any civil rights issues or claims, and a $9,000,000 defense cost limit per member per occurrence regardless of the number of members involved in the occurrence, not to include any civil rights issues or claims.)

Coverage B. Reimbursement of Attorney Fees for the Defense of Criminal Proceedings**

Reimbursement for attorney fees and other legal costs up to $35,000 if you are charged with violating a criminal statute in what otherwise would be within the course and scope of your educational employment activities, and you are exonerated of all charges by a court of law or all charges are withdrawn or dismissed. 

If, however, the proceeding arises out of an incident involving the administration of corporal punishment, the policy will provide reimbursement regardless of the outcome.

Coverage C. Bail Bond

Reimbursement of up to $1,000 of bail bond premium, if you must post a bond as the result of an occurrence arising out of your educational employment activities. (The insurance company is not required to furnish the bond.)

Coverage D. Assault-Related Personal Property Benefit

Payment of up to $500 for damages to your personal property when caused by an assault upon you in the course of your educational employment. (Vehicle and school property are excluded.)


* May have state variations; check with your state affiliate.

** State insurance laws do not permit this coverage in New York.


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