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2024 ESP Pay Report

Education Support Professionals' Pay
NEA’s ESP Earnings Report offers a breakdown of educational support professional (ESP) earnings for K-12 and higher education.

Key Takeaways


Average earnings of ESPs working full time


Of all ESPs working full‐time earn less than $25,000 per year

Introduction and Highlights

This report provides earnings data for education support professionals (ESPs) working in K–12 schools and higher education institutions.

The data are from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS), a large, continuously-collected survey that uses a nationwide sample.

As a result, the data presented here provide a picture of ESPs working in public schools as a whole rather than NEA’s ESP membership.

Earnings averages are calculated using five years of ACS data (2017-2021), while other tables use three years of data (2019-21). Earnings data are adjusted to 2022 dollars and are termed 2022–2023 to reflect the academic calendar.


More than three‐quarters of all ESPs (76.4%) work full time, which is defined as 30 or more hours per week. This is slightly higher for those working at K–12 schools (79.8%) and slightly lower in higher education (66.2%).
Among ESPs working full‐time, the average earnings in 2022‐23 was $35,995. This average was slightly lower for K–12 ($33,756) and higher in higher education ($44,898).
A third (32.7%) of all ESPs working full‐time earn less than $25,000 per year, and 11.2% earn less than $15,000. Among those working in K–12 schools, 38.0% earn less than $25,000, and 12.5% earn less than $15,000. Within higher education, 14.0% earn less than $25,000, and 6.4% earn less than $15,000.
The average earnings for ESP rose from $31,223 in 2013‐14 to $35,995 in 2022‐23. However, when adjusted for inflation, the average earnings for ESP fell from $31,223 to $28,149 in constant 2014 dollars.
In states where there are bargaining laws covering ESPs, the average earnings is $38,167. In states that do not have a bargaining law but where bargaining may take place, the average ESP earnings is $33,831. In states where bargaining is prohibited, the average ESP earnings is $32,308.
In a recent NEA survey of its members, nearly a third (32%) of PK‐12 ESPs said they were having a serious issue making a living wage, and another 21% said this was a moderate problem for them. More than a quarter of PK‐12 ESP reported participating in or utilizing assistance programs, with seven percent utilizing free grocery or free meal programs, 7% participating in Medicaid, and 4% using SNAP benefits.
In the same NEA member survey, about three‐quarters of PK‐12 ESP (77%) reported not working a full 12‐month contract. Just under a quarter of this group (21%) reported being laid off at the end of the school year, with only 8% stating that they are eligible for unemployment benefits during the time that they are laid off.

Data Takeaways

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State-by-State Comparison

K-12 ESP Earnings

State Salary 2021-22 Rank 2021-22 Salary 2022-23 Rank 2022-23 2021-22 to 2022-23 Percent Change 2021-22 to 2022-23 Change Rank
United States $33,177 $33,756
Alabama $28,708 41 $29,768 40 3.6% 7
Alaska $42,241 3 $42,118 3 -0.3% 47
Arizona $29,079 40 $30,199 37 3.7% 5
Arkansas $28,050 44 $29,177 42 3.9% 4
California $39,321 7 $39,877 6 1.4% 35
Colorado $32,574 22 $33,424 23 2.5% 20
Connecticut $39,502 6 $40,285 5 1.9% 29
Delaware $43,543 2 $44,237 1 1.6% 34
District of Columbia $43,811 1 $44,098 2 0.7% 40
Florida $31,286 27 $32,127 27 2.6% 18
Georgia $29,616 35 $30,219 36 2.0% 28
Hawaii $38,984 8 $39,221 8 0.6% 41
Idaho $26,681 49 $26,628 50 -0.2% 46
Illinois $34,814 14 $34,844 17 0.1% 44
Indiana $29,574 37 $30,450 32 2.9% 15
Iowa $29,928 32 $29,649 41 -0.9% 50
Kansas $26,705 47 $27,024 48 1.2% 37
Kentucky $26,686 48 $27,053 47 1.4% 36
Louisiana $28,156 43 $28,640 43 1.7% 32
Maine $30,856 28 $31,363 29 1.6% 33
Maryland $38,755 9 $38,235 10 -1.4% 51
Massachusetts $37,080 12 $36,778 13 -0.8% 48
Michigan $30,303 31 $30,654 31 1.1% 38
Minnesota $33,155 19 $34,289 19 3.3% 10
Mississippi $25,826 51 $26,770 49 3.5% 8
Missouri $29,507 38 $30,176 38 2.2% 24
Montana $29,756 33 $31,642 28 6.0% 1
Nebraska $30,358 30 $30,446 33 0.3% 43
Nevada $37,210 10 $36,900 12 -0.8% 49
New Hampshire $30,547 29 $31,175 30 2.0% 27
New Jersey $40,346 4 $41,338 4 2.4% 21
New Mexico $27,602 45 $28,175 45 2.0% 26
New York $39,922 5 $39,845 7 -0.2% 45
North Carolina $29,349 39 $30,167 39 2.7% 17
North Dakota $32,029 24 $32,776 24 2.3% 23
Ohio $33,717 18 $34,346 18 1.8% 31
Oklahoma $25,881 50 $26,612 51 2.7% 16
Oregon $32,342 23 $33,838 21 4.4% 3
Pennsylvania $34,716 15 $35,500 14 2.2% 25
Rhode Island $37,114 11 $39,165 9 5.2% 2
South Carolina $29,579 36 $30,372 35 2.6% 19
South Dakota $28,317 42 $28,619 44 1.1% 39
Tennessee $27,080 46 $27,986 46 3.2% 12
Texas $29,677 34 $30,382 34 2.3% 22
Utah $33,846 17 $34,893 16 3.0% 14
Vermont $33,092 20 $34,208 20 3.3% 11
Virginia $32,835 21 $33,464 22 1.9% 30
Washington $36,150 13 $37,334 11 3.2% 13
West Virginia $31,329 26 $32,515 25 3.6% 6
Wisconsin $33,883 16 $35,059 15 3.4% 9
Wyoming $31,963 25 $32,134 26 0.5% 42
Teacher and paraeducator team

‘We Must Do Better’

Too many school support professionals endure a lack of respect, lack of support, and poor working conditions. They are also egregiously underpaid.

Keeping the Promise of Public Education

ESEA is the largest ESP local in the United States and is a full-service employee association which is an affiliate of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), the largest national association representing education employees in the United States.